Script: global virexHasRun,techtoolHasRun, floatB¬if objValue="Open" then ¬ put dCod("prof",700) into n¬ put xLat(Str,n) into virexHasRun ¬ if virexHasRun = 0 then¬ wsSet wdID,"24","Hilite", "TRUE"¬ wsSet wdID,"26","Text", "Will Run This Month"¬ else¬ wsSet wdID,"24","Hilite", "FALSE"¬ wsSet wdID,"26","Text", "Has Already Run This Month"¬ end if ¬ put dCod("prof",701) into o¬ put xLat(Str,o) into techtoolHasRun¬ if techtoolHasRun = 0 then¬ wsSet wdID,"25","Hilite", "TRUE"¬ wsSet wdID,"27","Text", "Will Run Run This Week"¬ else¬ wsSet wdID,"25","Hilite", "FALSE"¬ wsSet wdID,"27","Text", "Has Already Run This Week"¬ end if ¬ put dCod("prof",702) into p¬ put xLat(Str,p) into theDay¬ set i8_SelectionText of window "Administration" to theDay¬ put dCod("prof",703) into q¬ put xLat(Str,q) into theDayName¬ set i10_SelectionText of window "Administration" to theDayName ¬ put dCod("prof",706) into hf¬ put xLat(Str,hf) into thedefnLoc¬ wsSet wdID,"23","Text", thedefnLoc¬ if thedefnLoc ≠ "" then¬ wsSet wdID,"12","Disabled", "FALSE"¬ wsSet wdID,"30","Disabled", "FALSE"¬ else¬ wsSet wdID,"12","Disabled", "TRUE"¬ wsSet wdID,"30","Disabled", "TRUE"¬ end if¬end if
Script: global virexHasRun,techtoolHasRun¬put wsGet(wdID,"24","Hilite") into jj¬if jj = "TRUE" then¬ put 0 into vRun¬else¬ put 1 into vRun¬end if¬put xLat(Res,vRun) into y¬nCod "prof",700,"virex",y¬put wsGet(wdID,"25","Hilite") into jc¬if jc = "TRUE" then¬ put 0 into tRun¬else¬ put 1 into tRun¬end if¬put xLat(Res,tRun) into z¬nCod "prof",701,"techtool",z¬put i8_SelectionText of window "Administration" into dDay¬put xLat(Res,dDay) into w¬nCod "prof",702,"day",w¬put i10_SelectionText of window "Administration" into dName¬put xLat(Res,dName) into g¬nCod "prof",703,"dayname",g¬put i23_Text of window "Administration" into xf¬put xLat(Res,xf) into j¬nCod "prof",706,"defnloc",j¬quit
ItemType: LBL
Rect: 14,133,223,145
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
TextStyle: Bold
AutoSize: FALSE
Text: Virus Definition File Location
ItemType: PUSH
Rect: 30,430,89,446
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
Name: Virus App
Script: answer file "Locate Virus Application..." of type "APPL"¬if it is not empty then¬ put it into b¬ set i16_text of window "Administration" to b¬end if
ItemType: PUSH
Rect: 10,444,69,460
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
Name: TechTool...
Script: put "µMTT" into caseNoTwo¬put "false" into jm¬put GetAppPath(caseNoTwo, jm) into c¬set i19_text of window "Administration" to c
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 94,432,313,474
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
WhiteColor: -4370,-4370,-4370
ItemType: LINE
Rect: 14,62,306,63
AutoSize: FALSE
ItemType: LINE
Rect: 14,63,306,64
AutoSize: FALSE
Pen: White
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 74,446,293,474
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
WhiteColor: -4370,-4370,-4370
ItemType: LINE
Rect: 15,125,307,126
AutoSize: FALSE
ItemType: LINE
Rect: 15,126,307,127
AutoSize: FALSE
Pen: White
ItemType: PUSH
Rect: 15,156,74,172
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
Name: Locate...
Script: answer file "Locate Virus Definitons..."¬if it is not empty then¬ put it into fileName¬ set i23_text of window "Administration" to fileName¬ set i12_Disabled of window "Administration" to "FALSE"¬ set i30_Disabled of window "Administration" to "FALSE"¬end if
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 79,153,307,195
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
ItemType: CHK
Rect: 13,29,162,41
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
WhiteColor: -4370,-4370,-4370
Name: Virus Def'n Update Reminder
Hilite: TRUE
Script: put wsGet(wdID,"24","Hilite") into jj¬if jj = "TRUE" then¬ wsSet wdID,"26","Text", "Will Run This Month"¬else¬ wsSet wdID,"26","Text", "Has Already Run This Month"¬end if
ItemType: CHK
Rect: 167,28,300,41
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
WhiteColor: -4370,-4370,-4370
Name: Desktop Rebuild Reminder
Hilite: TRUE
Script: put wsGet(wdID,"25","Hilite") into js¬if js = "TRUE" then¬ wsSet wdID,"27","Text", "Will Run This Week"¬else¬ wsSet wdID,"27","Text", "Has Already Run This Week"¬end if
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 30,41,159,55
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
WhiteColor: -4370,-4370,-4370
Text: Will Run This Month
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 184,41,308,55
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
WhiteColor: -4370,-4370,-4370
Text: Will Run Run This Week
ItemType: PICT
Rect: 15,208,47,240
AutoSize: FALSE
ID: 1033
Logic: Push
Script: global floatB¬wsSet wdID,"28","ID", "1034"¬wsSend wdID,"28","DoUpdate"¬put 1 into floatB¬get windowscript("about")
ItemType: BOX
Rect: 78,152,308,196
ItemType: PUSH
Rect: 15,176,74,192
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
Name: Clear
Script: set i23_text of window "Administration" to ""¬set i12_Disabled of window "Administration" to "TRUE"¬set i30_Disabled of window "Administration" to "TRUE"